
Penn State and You:
Working together to create a safe environment.
Indicators of Potential Concern
There are various indicators of potential concern. However, exhibiting one or more of these characteristics or behaviors does not necessarily mean someone will become a threat or turn violent. The FBI has provided examples of personality characteristics and behaviors that may indicate a cause for concern (see below). This list is not meant to be all-inclusive or a checklist, nor should it be used to profile individuals. Personality characteristics and behaviors must always be examined in context.
Personality Characteristics and Behaviors*
- Preoccupation with violence: boasts, predictions, and subtle threats; stories, essays, poems, and pictures; violent fantasies; interest in violent games, movies, and books
- Depression; anger; impulsive and uncontrollable behavior
- Poor coping skills
- Low frustration tolerance
- Grudges; lack of resiliency
- "Us against them" mentality; narcissism
- Boastful about weapons; abusive language
- Suicidal thoughts; wishes of death; desire to physically harm others
- Delusions; hallucinations; bizarre thoughts
- History of physical assault
- Bullying (perpetrator or victim)
- Substance abuse
- Rebellion against authority
- Isolation or withdrawal
*Adapted from Addressing School Violence, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin (May 2011)